UK Labour Party Sack Candidate for Anti-Islam Tweets

Tim Owen

The UK Labour Party has sacked one of its' general election candidates over alleged anti-Islamic tweets.  Trevor Merralls, general secretary of black cab taxi drivers co-operative, denies that the twitter account in question, @wellingblueboy was his.  Reports suggest, however, that there is clear evidence that it was his.  He allegedly 'liked' a number of racist and Islamaphobic tweets.  Perhaps the most worrisome element of the whole thing is that other 'evidence' cited in mainstream media against the fellow included the fact that the twitter account in question had identified itself as a supporter of the BlueHand movement, an anti-political correctness organisation.  Laughably, the Independent then go on to expose this supposedly nefarious outfit by quoting from its' website, presumably in the belief that the reader will be outraged:  “Free Speech is a fundamental right, one that is nature/God given. Sadly, it is also a right that our politicians are attempting to take from us, thanks to the appeasement of Islamism coupled with the constant wolf-cries of certain minority groups.”  

About the author

Tim Owen