Rise of Neopaganism (RMP#8)

Dieuwe de Boer

In the 8th episode of the Right Minds Podcast, Dieuwe and Origen continue discussing the Royal Commission Report, specifically something that did not receive any detailed treatment — paganism.

Several stories from the past week show that neopagan symbols and beliefs are gaining traction in both neo-Nazi and neo-Marxist movements. From sun worship to self-worship, and idolatry (or conspiracy) at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Maori culture has been co-opted and twisted to fit these new pagan practises, and both Christian and Muslim traditions have been undermined and pitted against each other to the benefit of this new progressive system.

The podcast is available on Podbean and you can also add the feed directly to your favourite podcast reader or you can listen directly on the website.

The featured classical music is the opening of Bach - Sonata no. 6 in G major BWV 530, recorded by the Netherlands Bach Society at Uithuizen.

The audio version is embedded below the Odysee video, or you can watch on Youtube.

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