• Are We Ready For Population Decline?

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Allow me to stay on the theme of demographics for another week.

  • The 2023 Census and Multicultural Identity

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Stats NZ have finally released the full data of the botched 2023 census. There are lots of things you can glean from it, such as the inclusion of sexuality data showing that nearly 12% of Wellington is gay, which makes sense if you think about it.

  • Death of Christianity is the Death of Nation

    Dieuwe de Boer

    This is a partial rebuttal to Nathan Smith's argument that "Christianity is the death of the nation." We have great real-life conversations on this subject, but perhaps there is some benefit in debating some of this out in public.

  • It's The Economy, Stupid

    Dieuwe de Boer

    New Zealand is in a recession and we have been for two years now. Our per capita recession has surpassed the Great Financial Crisis in length after contracting for seven consecutive quarters.

  • A Much Improved Treaty Principles Bill?

    Dieuwe de Boer

    A few weeks ago I wrote about how I supported the treaty principles being put forward by ACT because the treaty is a liberal document.

  • The Christian Maori Monarchy

    Dieuwe de Boer

    The establishment of the Maori King Movement was inspired greatly by the English monarchy.

  • The Bronze Age Mindset (Review)

    Dieuwe de Boer

    When the Bronze Age Mindset was published in 2018 it became a best seller and popular among many of America's elites. In the global online right it quickly reached the status of cult classic. I never had reason to pick it up, until recently.

  • 2026 Election Predictions: Winners and Losers

    Leighton Pearson

    Every election cycle, political parties scramble to position themselves as the next governing force, fervently insisting that victory is within reach. But do they truly have a chance every time?

  • All the Power, None of the Responsibility

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Localism is a principle that is being spoken of more often. There are older terms like subsidiarity that have fallen out of use, in particular because people do not intuitively know what they mean.

  • The Treaty of Waitangi is Liberal

    Dieuwe de Boer

    There is an ongoing debate that is certain to heat up in the next year around the Treaty Principles.

  • Politics Is All About Identity

    Dieuwe de Boer

    There are three different stories from the past week that I want to weave together as they speak to the same problem.

  • Faith and Resistance: A Call to Spiritual Vigilance in Troubled Times

    Leighton Pearson

    At the beginning of this month, I was working on a few different articles. However, over the past week, I experienced something profoundly significant that I must share with you. I had a deeply emotional encounter with the truth.

  • Judges Are Ruling By Psychobabble

    Dieuwe de Boer

    The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care in NZ from 1950 to 2019 was released this month of July. The government issued a formal apology and made the usual promises to do things better.

  • A Bullet Through the Ear

    Leighton Pearson

    On July 13, 2024, Mr. T. M. Crooks attempted to assassinate Mr. D. J. Trump, narrowly missing by mere millimetres. Firstly, our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Trump and his family.

  • The Funeral Pyre of Progress

    Dieuwe de Boer

    It's been nearly eight years since I started publishing political and cultural commentary. One thing that has changed is the danger of labels.

  • NZ's Demographics and Destiny

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Birth rates have dropped to an all-time low, as has the percentage of European New Zealanders, and the population is ageing. That's the summary of headlines around fertility data and demographic change in New Zealand.

  • Zero Seats: Punishing The Tory Great Betrayal

    Dieuwe de Boer

    In a sign of worse things to come Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, announced a general election for July 4th while reading out a robotic speech as he was drenched in the rain.

  • New Zealand Needs To Deport Foreign Criminals

    Dieuwe de Boer

    For many years the Australian “returning offender 501” legislation has had a significant strain on the New Zealand justice, welfare, and corrections systems.

  • Geert Wilders makes it to the top—with a catch

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Six months after the election a coalition deal of sorts was announced in The Netherlands by the PVV (Party for Freedom) leader Geert Wilders.

  • Tradition is not an Ideology

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Amie and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this week, and her 30th birthday the week prior. The celebrations were a bit low-key as we're going to take an extended holiday together in a few months, without the three kids for the first time.