Globalism's Imported Contentions

This article was originally published for paying subscribers for Good Oil News INSIGHT and is reproduced here for all Right Minds readers on a delayed basis.

Dieuwe de Boer

While the election results were finalised, and then re-finalised once a journalist found a host of errors, the coalition negotiations carried on quietly. They may be finished by the time this column gets published or they may go on for weeks. I am in no rush to have a new government formed, but the punditry and journalist class are getting jittery. I hope that National-Act-NZFirst take their time and form a stable government that will take some vengeance out on the public service (including the media) for the terrors they've inflicted on us the past six years. Dreams are free.

One of those imported problems is one of election integrity. Winston Peters told a journalist they should investigate those responsible for amending the Electoral Act to allow same-day registration and other "easy vote" methods that result in the count taking an extra three weeks past election day. (Spoiler alert: he voted for it.)

The problems run deeper, as a Maori party candidate was found to be running a marae that acted as a voting booth, and an increasing pile of incompetence has been revealed as we move further on from election day. There's no conspiracy here, this is simply an administrative nightmare working as intended. The incompetence, the corruption, the delays, the uncertainty are all designed into the system by socialist managers. It's likely that our new government will do a bit of bureaucratic pruning, but unlikely that they will attack the root of the problem. Labour will return in due time to make things progressively worse.

In a globalised world, everyone's problems become our problems. It's only a matter of time until the United States' abysmally run election-system becomes our election system. Their rigged elections will become our rigged elections, because the people running the elections are ideologically carbon copies of each other, all educated to the same level of incompetency, all consuming the same media narratives. Colonisation, if you will, of the very worst kind.

Immigration creates similar globalised problems. There's an extraordinary video of former cabinet minister Phil Twyford at a "Free Palestine" rally at the Auckland Domain last week. He decries how both Hamas and the IDF have indiscriminately killed innocent civilians in their armed struggle for the desert sands of Palestine. He is subsequently booed off the stage as he throws up his hands in impotent frustration.

His act is followed up by  Green MP Chloe Swarbrick wearing a Palestinian scarf and leading the crowd in a voracious "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" chant.

The protestors themselves dialled things up further a few days later by lighting up the Auckland War Memorial Museum in the colours of Palestine to mark the one month anniversary of Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians.

Why? Why is the biggest piece of news in New Zealand for weeks on end about a Semitic land-war-turned-blood-feud from the Middle East? It's not just the "one struggle" of the socialists against civilisation. The human collateral of this conflict has been exported around the world, decade after decade, creating a very real Palestinian lobby in every Anglosphere country. Our money goes into United Nations humanitarian programmes run in Gaza to keep Hamas propped up. The United States continues to pour billions into the Israeli Defence Forces.

Chloe Swarbrick believes that "from the river to the sea" means a multicultural socialist utopia in Israel and Palestine. Benjamin Netanyahu's "from the river to the sea" policy is to secure Israeli sovereignty over the entire Palestinian territory. Unlike the wannabe revolutionaries here, he has the will and power to make his vision a reality. Is Israel's right to exist under threat? No.

Take for example the leftist Twitter user David Cormack, who took offence at the river-to-the-sea chant as being genocidal, was then forced into a Maoist humiliation ritual by his friends, apologised for being offended, and deleted his Twitter account. He wouldn't have backed down if he genuinely believed his buddies were calling for the genocide of his people.

Chloe is refreshingly open about her beliefs and goals, stands by her people, and doesn't back down or apologise. When people take offence at something a conservative has said and start accusing them of unsavoury things, all too often they subject themselves to humiliation rituals to placate leftists. Perhaps we could learn a lesson or two from Chloe.

About the author

Dieuwe de Boer

Editor of Right Minds NZ, host of The Dialogue on RCR, and columnist at The BFD. Follow me on Telegram and Twitter. In addition to writing about conservative politics and reactionary thought, I like books, gardening, biking, tech, reformed theology, beauty, and tradition.

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