The Measure of Success

This article was originally published for paying subscribers for Good Oil News INSIGHT and is reproduced here for all Right Minds readers on a delayed basis.

Dieuwe de Boer

The formation of a new government is in its final stage, perhaps even complete by the time you read this. Details will be released about the agreement the right-wing parties have come to, but the true measure of success will be in the delivery—not the promises.

This is a question that isn't asked enough, because the punditry focuses on the policy and the managerial style of the government. We need to shift the conversation and influence the MPs of this government to think and act in a revolutionary way. The managerial pressure will be on them to tweak around the edges and provide a moderate government that "holds the fort" and stabilises economic and social conditions while the progressives rebuild their strength for another push. The march of eternal progress is one that National is truly committed too, but a few spanners have been thrown into the works.

A good sign can be found in the rumours that race issues are holding up the negotiations. Seymour and Peters have reportedly joined forces to insist that the new government settle the issue of Treaty revisionism. Our common enemy here is the alliance of LGBT-etc, anti-White sentiment, and progressivism that can be referred to colloquially as "gay race communism." The global de-colonisation (or co-governance) agenda plugs into national documents like the Treaty of Waitangi and forges modern revisionist interpretations that are used as justifications to advance the Marxist cause.

While I don't think ACT's referendum on the principles is good enough, it is a blunt weapon that will do for now. ACT has simply inverted a left-wing tool and plans to re-define the Treaty along classical liberal values. The post-modern progressive principles in use will be swapped out for these new principles. It's ahistorical and doesn't deal with the root cause of Treaty grievances, but this will be a massive setback for the left and buy a lot of time for the Right.

Education is another key area where left-wing power needs to be broken. Not just diminished, but destroyed in its entirety. The government will have up to nine years to lock in the changes it's making, if it remains stable. The teachers unions must have their stranglehold completely broken early so that the new order can have many years to settle before the public unions inevitably return to power. The ability they had to undo charter schools six years ago was a massive failure on the part of National-ACT. Decentralising the power of education down to the local level and the interests of parents is paramount for the long-term success of the Right.

Applying new rigid central education standards is good, and this part they may get right with a "back to basics" approach, but it's also the part that's easiest for the enemy to undo. Creating a massive network of independent schools that are fully funded, but longer tied to following a rigid central propaganda system is the gold standard we must demand.

Quality must be rewarded. Failure must be punished. This is the essence of what it means to be right-wing. Don't listen to the jokers who tell you that being right-wing is about individualism, or freedom, or liberal values, or similar trite things. Being right-wing is about being better, and the school system is key to a better right-wing future.

It's not enough for this government to be "not left-wing," but they must be "anti left-wing." The initial rumours sound good, but it will be up to us to apply the pressure needed to make them reality.

Every other area, such as housing, financial regulation, justice, social reform, and more that need urgent attention too. Some simply won't happen due to the differences between the three ruling parties. I don't have the space to detail solutions, but normalising a new way of thinking for the government and its major influencers is more important.

One of the failures of the past series of governments has been their reliance on "experts" rather than following the will of the power or other noble ends. The advantage that "experts" bring to politics is an insulation from accountability. "We were just following The Science and its priesthood" is the excuse thrown at us by Hipkins, Ardern, Key, and Clark when things have gone wrong. Luxon is cut from the same cloth.

Tell them to trust their guts, to strike hard, to listen to the people, to speak the truth, and to embrace virtue.

When we see government departments implementing sane and popular policies that fly in the face progressive ideology, then we will know that we are winning. That's the measure of success.

About the author

Dieuwe de Boer

Editor of Right Minds NZ, host of The Dialogue on RCR, and columnist at The BFD. Follow me on Telegram and Twitter. In addition to writing about conservative politics and reactionary thought, I like books, gardening, biking, tech, reformed theology, beauty, and tradition.

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