John Black

Articles by author

Articles written: 33

Not So Polarised: Douglas Murray & Dr Cornel West in NZ

John Black

Polarised – the title of Sunday night's public discussion between the academic Dr Cornel West and the writer Douglas Murray, was something of a misnomer. While the differences in their political outlooks were evident, what they had in common resonated more strongly.

The Mad, Mad Mullahs of Multiculturalism

John Black

For every age its orthodoxy, for every age its heresy. A bonfire is being readied for two modern heretics – Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. Their chief heresy is to challenge the religion of multiculturalism.

Village Idiocy - Jacinda Channels Hillary

John Black

Welcome to our village, wee one.

Lefty Babies - Golriz and the Modern Left

John Black

Our readers, being people of taste and discernment, will seldom have loitered at the Spinoff, a website devoted to reality T.V. and naive politics. Last week I hit rare pay dirt - an article that managed to sum up everything I despise about the modern left in under a thousand words.

Wanker Word Of The Week: Diversity

John Black

Let’s begin with a cliché: "Variety is the spice of life." The modern left has succeeded in turning human variety itself into a fetish. They call it "diversity". They seek it here, they seek it there. And if they can’t find it, they create it. Or rather they demand it be created by Government.

Wanker Words Of The Week: Cultural Appropriation

John Black

In this week's instalment of "Wanker Words", John Black takes us through cultural appropriation. You'd think that the left would be all about sharing and melding cultures in a diverse way, but rather it's the opposite.

Wanker Words Of The Week: Toxic Masculinity

John Black

John Black returns with the third "wanker word of the week" and this one is all about how evil men are. That's right, if you're a man and you act like one then some wanker might just call you toxic. Still don't understand? Allow John to mansplain it you to.

Wanker Word Of The Week: Hegemony

John Black

John Black returns with the second "wanker word of the week" and this one is the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card for leftists. "Why is the revolution not happening?" asks the aspiring communist. The answer lies in the word hegemony, if you're a wanker that is.

Wanker Word of the Week: Heteronormative

John Black

You’re having a perfectly normal conversation, talking about your weekend. Then out of nowhere the wanker throws around words like 'patriarchal' and 'heteronormative'. After reading my break down of the most common ‘Wanker Words’, you’ll know what he's on about.

A Quiet Place - Good Horror Flick That Progressives Hate

John Black

A Quiet Place, a horror film currently second in the U.S box office, has managed to piss off the kinds of people I feel sure Right Mind’s readers would be quite happy were pissed off. For starters, it's pro-family, pro-life, and pro-gun. The film is also brilliantly acted, paced, and scored.