Dieuwe de Boer

About author

Editor of Right Minds NZ, host of The Dialogue on RCR, and columnist at The BFD. Follow me on Telegram and Twitter. In addition to writing about conservative politics and reactionary thought, I like books, gardening, biking, tech, reformed theology, beauty, and tradition.

Articles by author

Articles written: 306

Green MP Who Campaigned on Being a Refugee Upset By Questions Asking If She's Kiwi Enough

Dieuwe de Boer

Golriz Ghahraman became a poster girl for the Green Party and a media darling, but she turned out to be a fake and is now routinely mocked outside of the elitist circles. Her most recent triggering incident was being asked if she was "kiwi enough" to speak for all New Zealanders.

A Case For Mental Asylums

Dieuwe de Boer

Things went a little off the rails at ABC when they accidentally interviewed a patient who wandered outside of the confines of their intellectual mental institution. A pink-haired social justice warrior suggested that babies should be asked for consent before having their nappies changed.

Winston Puts NZ Last With Billion Dollar Foreign Aid Boost While Locals Stuggle

Dieuwe de Boer

As food banks are seeing a large increase in demand, the latest budget reveals nearly a billion more in foreign aid to pacific nations. Is this what putting New Zealand first looks like? There is no priority on fixing the housing crisis, but plenty of money to fill the right pork barrels.

Fake Hillary Clinton Claims She Considered Moving to NZ

Dieuwe de Boer

In a bizarre moment, Hillary Clinton claimed she considered moving to New Zealand after losing to President Donald Trump, but not even everyone in the legacy media bought her fake and robotic speech.

Hillary Clinton in NZ, Gets Another $5.5 Million of Your Money

Dieuwe de Boer

When Hillary Rodham Clinton is involved, it's a question of "What do you want first, the bad news or the really bad news?" Our government has given the Clinton Foundation $8 million and is giving them $5 million more. But, wait, there's more.

New Zealand Public Schools Teach Kids How to Use Meth Safely

Dieuwe de Boer

Earlier this week, a shocked parent revealed, via Facebook, a pamphlet that her daughter had been given at Massey High, which included information about to hide and use meth. That's only the half of it though.

African Migrants Say New Zealand is Racist

Dieuwe de Boer

Some African migrations are complaining that they can't find work in New Zealand and are suggesting that businesses are discriminating against them. There is more to the story of course, as it appears none actually checked if there was work available for them before moving here.

Christians Are Being Denied Marriage Celebrant Status - And So We Should Be

Dieuwe de Boer

Family First NZ says that 50 marriage celebrant applicants have had their application rejected in just the past 2½ years. Why are they applying to celebrate something they do not believe in, under a law they cannot comply with? Dieuwe asks these questions as he starts a series on government meddling with marriage and how Christians can reclaim it.

They Took Your Guns and Knives, Now They Want Your Pitchforks

Dieuwe de Boer
Britain's knife control is a bad parody of gun control, writes Robert Tracinski for The Federalist, and I can heartily agree. I wrote about the subject last year, and it's gotten much worse since then in the UK, as they've started to come for the rest of your cutlery, and now also your toolbox. There are real tweets from the Metropolitan Police.

Our Media Says the Bible is Hate Speech

Dieuwe de Boer

Israel Folau, an Australian rugby union player, posted a graphic on Instagram with the title "your plan vs God's plan", and after being asked what "God's plan for gays is", he responded, "HELL, if they don't repent." This caused a bit of a furore, but it really shouldn't have.