• Child Sacrifice Increased By 9% During Pandemic

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Based in Canada, Choice42 is one of the few pro-life groups who openly call abortion out for what it is: murder and child sacrifice. The uncompromising visuals are what makes this short video a powerful work of art.

  • Rinse, Repeat - TTT#52

    Dieuwe de Boer

    While New Zealand has experienced another mystery COVID case, Australia is planning a normal Christmas with the virus almost eliminated. But according to our leaders, we must "rinse and repeat" all measures and controls until there's a vaccine.

  • Thank You, President Trump

    Dieuwe de Boer

    I've always loved American politics, even if purely for the entertainment factor. On November 3rd, President Trump won the legal vote by a huge margin and the Republican party made historic gains down ballot.

  • Smoking Votes - TTT#51

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Trad Tasman Talk returns tonight as the final votes for the NZ General Election and referenda have been counted, while Australia continues it's path to eradicating the CCP Virus.

  • Mexico Isn't Sending Their Best

    Dieuwe de Boer

    The Green party always seems to pick the weirdest and worst examples of immigrants as MPs. They've really outdone themselves this time with Ricardo Menendez, a Spaniard hailing from Mexico.

  • A Short Break & Update

    Dieuwe de Boer

    There will be no livestream tonight, or next Friday, as Trad Tasman Talk is taking a break. I believe that Tim will be doing Friday episodes of Wilms Front instead if you'd like to follow some Australian politics.

  • Book Review: The Tragedy Of Islam

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Imam Mohammed Tawhidi seeks reformation. It's a word that I am always cautious about, as a genuine religious reformation should lead to conservative and fundamentalist theology.

  • "They Killed Him A Second Time"

    Dieuwe de Boer

    I received an email from a reader who has just discovered Right Minds and has been reading some of my older content. Two years ago, almost to the day, I wrote "remember M. Arnoud Beltrame, because the French won't."

  • Is Your Data Is Safe With NZ Police?

    Dieuwe de Boer

    The following was sent to me by Justin Cook: I was looking in my spam folder for an email and came across this. It's been sent to my email but I'm not the intended recipient.

  • Life Goes On

    Dieuwe de Boer

    We must acknowledge that Jacinda Ardern is John Key 2.0. She loves to be the messiah of the nation, and so she's far more likely to follow Labour's neoliberal manifesto than usher in some kind of communist dystopia.

  • Election Night Special - TTT#50

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Join Dieuwe de Boer and Tim Wilms live from 7pm tonight to discuss the election results as they come in. We'll hopefully be joined by a few special guests.

  • Live at 9pm again - TTT#49

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Join us live for another episode of Trad Tasman Talk, at the later hour of 9pm this evening again, due to adjustments for New Zealand and Victoria going to daylight savings and this being the final pre-election broadcast.

  • Drugs, Death, and Democracy

    Dieuwe de Boer

    We're right in the middle of being allowed to vote on the greatest issues of our time: smoking joints, state-sanctioned murder, and who gets to manage our national decline over the next three years.

  • Are We Seeing The Beginnings Of A Political Police Force In NZ?

    Dieuwe de Boer

    It's been nine months since police raided my home on 9 January 2020, and I realise that I have not made any detailed public updates on events since then. Offers for help poured in and court action got underway quickly.

  • Live at 9pm - TTT#48

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Join us live for another episode of Trad Tasman Talk, at the later hour of 9pm this evening due to New Zealand entering daylight savings and Victoria not joining us there until next week.

  • I Know Nothing - TTT#47

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Join us live for another episode of Trad Tasman Talk. New Zealand's election is now about a month away and Melbourne's quarantine inquiry has discovered that all government officials suffer from amnesia. Plus, your questions answered.

  • Now That's A Cluster - TTT#46

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Join us live for another episode of Trad Tasman Talk. The damage done by the government's coronavirus response to New Zealand's economy is shaping up to be much greater than that projected by Australia. Plus, your questions answered.

  • An Essay On The Nepotism Of New Zealand's Political Far-Left


    I have procrastinated over the information in this article for some time, mostly because I have been very busy with work, my children and a few other legal matters of interest

  • Trad Tasman Talk Ep.41 - All Suffering Together

    Dieuwe de Boer

    The China Virus has returned to Auckland and continues to rampage through Melbourne. The latter is near the end of its first two weeks in lockdown, as Auckland starts a minimum of two weeks under restrictions.

  • The Problem with Books

    Tani Newton

    I have a problem that I'd like to share with you. It's a problem that I face from my perspective as a Christian, but I think many people of other persuasions will see a close parallel to their own experience.