• Right Minds Is Back From Hiatus

    Dieuwe de Boer

    I've written no long form articles in over six months, and did less than one a month on average last year. The reason I cut back was in part due to a lifestyle change, but at a deeper level I didn't feel like writing.

  • Resistance To Tyranny

    Dieuwe de Boer

    John Knox's statement, "resisting tyranny is obedience to God", is grounded in two simple theological points: we are subject to authority and all authorities are subject to God.

  • Do You Trust "The Science"?

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Atheists sometimes imagine a future without religion—a utopian society ruled by science. We live in that utopia. Religion is relegated to the status of a social club, both by the regime de jure and by its practitioners de facto.

  • Is The Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast?

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Is the vaccine the "mark of the beast"? [On request, this has been adapted from a lengthy Facebook post I made recently.]

  • The Age of the Plague

    Sean O'Connor

    Public discourse is amazing. COVID-19 has probably been the biggest news event in the world since 9/11 and the Iraq War. The average Kiwi, whatever their views on the virus, lockdowns, etc, feels that they are relatively well informed.

  • My Experience Suing The Far-Left

    Dieuwe de Boer

    With recent news on COVID Plan B's Simon Thornley and now parliamentary staffer Ani O'Brien considering legal action against libellous harassment, I thought I would share my experience in this area.

  • Incitement of Hatred and Ethno-Nationalism (RMP#9)

    Dieuwe de Boer

    In the 9th episode of the Right Minds Podcast, Dieuwe de Boer, Origen, and Tare Paurere break down the six "incitement to hatred" proposals from the Ministry of Justice and discuss New Zealand's transition to an ethno-state.

  • Who Decides What My Intent Was?

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Hate speech is back on the menu — Tova O'Brien's interview with Justice Minister Kris Faafoi was eyebrow raising.

    If I write an opinion piece 'Jacinda Ardern is a communist or a dictator', could I be stung for hate speech? 

  • The Downfall of Lee Williams

    Dieuwe de Boer

    We don't have to defend bad behaviour, we don't have to stand up for someone with a nasty attitude, but we should defend people's right to freedom of expression.

  • Rise of Neopaganism (RMP#8)

    Dieuwe de Boer

    In the 8th episode of the Right Minds Podcast, Dieuwe and Origen continue discussing the Royal Commission Report, specifically something that did not receive any detailed treatment — paganism.

  • Podcast #7: Royal Commission Report and Replacement Migration (Part 1)

    Dieuwe de Boer

    It's been two years to the month since the previous episode of the Right Minds Podcast. Guest-host Origen now joins me as my co-host and we begin discussing the Royal Commission Report into the Christchurch massacre.

  • Proposed "Hate Speech" Laws Have My Full Support

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Banning "hate" against religion is a return of our recently vapourised blasphemy laws, but with more teeth. Nature abhors a vacuum. A society must have some form of blasphemy laws.

  • Luxon's Heretical Maiden Speech

    Dieuwe de Boer

    I'm rarely so irked by a speech that I feel compelled to respond, but Christopher Luxon's maiden speech fits the bill. Politics is the very act of forcing your beliefs on others.

  • Submit, Don't Obey

    Sean O'Connor

    Civil disobedience by a church done correctly in the age of COVID. In Canada, many parts of the country have been under some form of lockdown for an entire year. Predictably, the economic and social costs have been devastating.

  • Very High Risk

    Dieuwe de Boer

    A subtle shift that has taken place with recent lockdowns here that I felt obliged to comment on. Last week, the Ministry of Health COVID-19 website was updated with the following ...

  • Getting Ready For Armageddon

    Dieuwe de Boer

    As you get older and your family grows, reading starts to be more of a luxury you have to make time for. I can probably count on one hand the books I've finished in the past two years.

  • Cancel Culture Is A Necessary Good

    Dieuwe de Boer

    In the early days of this incarnation of cancel culture (c. 2016-2018) it was wise to oppose it, but few did. Now we're well past the point of no return. The tide is coming in, and only a fool would dare to oppose it.

  • Gym Switches From CNN To Sky News After Complaints

    Dieuwe de Boer

    What are you doing to make the spaces you spend your time in better? A supporter sent in the following positive message.

  • The Police Raid, One Year On

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Last year was a bit of a wild one for me, and not one I plan to repeat. Yet the path it's started me down has to continue. Now a year on from the police raid in January, things progress slowly.

  • Lower (Average) Birth Rates Are A Good Thing

    Dieuwe de Boer

    I was struck by two stories this week. The first that abortions are up by 9% and the second that the nation's fertility rate dropped to its lowest ever of 1.63 children per woman.