• A Bullet Through the Ear

    Leighton Pearson

    On July 13, 2024, Mr. T. M. Crooks attempted to assassinate Mr. D. J. Trump, narrowly missing by mere millimetres. Firstly, our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Trump and his family.

  • The Funeral Pyre of Progress

    Dieuwe de Boer

    It's been nearly eight years since I started publishing political and cultural commentary. One thing that has changed is the danger of labels.

  • NZ's Demographics and Destiny

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Birth rates have dropped to an all-time low, as has the percentage of European New Zealanders, and the population is ageing. That's the summary of headlines around fertility data and demographic change in New Zealand.

  • Zero Seats: Punishing The Tory Great Betrayal

    Dieuwe de Boer

    In a sign of worse things to come Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, announced a general election for July 4th while reading out a robotic speech as he was drenched in the rain.

  • New Zealand Needs To Deport Foreign Criminals

    Dieuwe de Boer

    For many years the Australian “returning offender 501” legislation has had a significant strain on the New Zealand justice, welfare, and corrections systems.

  • Geert Wilders makes it to the top—with a catch

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Six months after the election a coalition deal of sorts was announced in The Netherlands by the PVV (Party for Freedom) leader Geert Wilders.

  • Tradition is not an Ideology

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Amie and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this week, and her 30th birthday the week prior. The celebrations were a bit low-key as we're going to take an extended holiday together in a few months, without the three kids for the first time.

  • Manor Lords and the Competency Crisis

    Dieuwe de Boer

    A video game review might not exactly be the kind of political content you expect from me, but I spent a few hours playing a newly released game last Saturday.

  • What the Anzacs Died For

    Dieuwe de Boer

    "They fought for freedom" is a common refrain heard today when it comes to our veterans and honoured dead from the two world wars.

  • Education System Working As Intended

    Dieuwe de Boer

    The School Strike 4 Climate NZ campaign has had a bit of scope creep: it's about Palestine, honouring the Treaty, lowering the voting age, and changing the weather.

  • Converting Protest Into Political Victories

    Dieuwe de Boer

    One of the hard problems for the new right to grapple with is how to turn dissent and protest into real political victories.

  • The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

    Dieuwe de Boer

    In response to the Rotorua public library cancelling a drag performance for kids, the Free Speech Union released a statement:

  • Justice Not Seen To Be Done

    Dieuwe de Boer

    The case of unjust judgements is becoming an increasing feature of our society. It's probably been this way for a long time, but the visibility is becoming greater.

  • Where Are Our Scalps?

    Dieuwe de Boer

    It's been 100-days since the Coalition government started their first three year team. They announced an ambitious 100-day plan with over 40 points of action.

  • Another Turn For The Better

    Dieuwe de Boer

    This week has been a bit of a wild ride and I have an unexpected follow up on a column from two weeks ago, A Turn for the Better. You will have read about the sudden death of Newshub by now with the organisation slated to close its doors in June.

  • A Turn For The Better

    Dieuwe de Boer

    My first radio show "The Dialogue" was broadcast yesterday from 10am-1pm on RCR. It was a childhood dream I never truly expected to eventuate. I grew up listening to a lot of talk radio—and I mean a lot. There were years where I listened almost daily.

  • A Tale of Two Presidents

    Dieuwe de Boer

    In case you missed it: I am hosting a summer series of shows on Reality Check Radio starting Wednesday 14th February—the day after my 29th birthday. Thanks to Paul Brennan and Cam Slater who have done some promos for me on their shows this week.

  • The Dialogue Ep.1 on 16 February 2024

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Shows will be embedded here in the future, but for now click through to the RCR website.

    Detailed show notes and some transcripts for featured interview will be posted separately.

  • Government Must Go on the Offensive

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Before I tackle this week's column, I would like to start with a word of thanks to all the paying subscribers of The BFD and also to Juana, our amazing editor, and to the proofreaders who help her in the background.

  • Google's AI Is Working As Intended

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Google released its new Gemini AI to the public this week, and the results were… worse than expected. The feature that everyone is immediately interested in when it comes to a new AI tool is the "safety" feature.