Since the New Conservative Party was holding a public meeting in anticipation of contesting a possible Botany by-election, I thought I'd go have a listen as I live in the area. The turnout was a near full house, with almost every one of the sixty-odd seats filled.
In 1212, children, first in France and then in Germany began defying their parents, leaving their farms and villages to join the Children's Crusade. They had become inflamed with religious zeal and the mad aim of retaking the Holy Land from the Mohammedans.
The recent rift in diplomatic relations between New Zealand and the People's Republic of China presents a major challenge to New Zealand – but it also presents a perfect opportunity to question our nation's foreign policy and whether it works in our best interests.
And I'm not just talking about the latest poll. While Monday's poll does bolster my arguments it doesn't change anything. Even if National and Labour's fortunes were reversed, the right still wouldn't have a path to victory. Allow me to explain.
Jordan Peterson world famous psychologist, thinker and Kermit the frog impersonator (you’ll understand that one if you’ve ever heard him speak) is coming to town this week.
The One New Zealand Party continue challenging conventional political thinking in New Zealand. Andy Oakley explains why he thinks we should be thinking about how politicians actually do things rather than obsessing over policies.
The photo posted on the "Economic Freedom Fighters" official social media page claims to show one of their spokesmen with representatives from New Zealand's and Australia's High Commissions to South Africa.
At the anti UN migration pact rally yesterday in Wellington, as the peaceable gathering was disrupted by leftists, one individual clearly over-stepped the mark.
The anti-UN Migration Pact protest in Wellington today was hijacked by a leftist rent-a-mob. Outrageous bullying tactics were used. On two separate occasions men over 6 feet tried to intimidate Jules, the NZ Sovereignty speaker.
Labour = The Politics of Virtue Signalling and Division. Our Country is Changing! I am still reeling from the speech given by Jacinda Ardern at the UN Convention last year.
SHOT Expo is New Zealand's premier public expo to showcase everything for the shooting, hunting, fishing, and outdoor trades. The expo is on at the ASB Showgrounds in Auckland on the last weekend of February - Saturday 23rd.
It's not hard to find examples of how pathetic the so-called justice system is. Stuff reports that "a Burmese refugee has escaped punishment for shooting a man who racially abused him and his friends."
In the last week our media has reported on a lot of foreign fake news. One story was about Kentucky students who supposedly surrounded and intimidated a American Indian man beating on his drums. They even mocked the haka!
Imagine if you will gentle reader, the following twitter exchange: ‘"Maori Culture is basically crap." "Thank you! This is brave leadership, saying what many of us have long known." Do you think this leader would survive such a faux pa?
When the New Conservatives initially debuted, I was sceptical. Yet they've been working overtime to prove me wrong. Most recently they've received the attention of the DailyBlog who's been getting a bit worked up about them.
Jesse Anderson from NZSovereignty has organised another round of protests against the signing of the UN Migration Pact. These will be held in a number of location around the country on Saturday 2nd February at 4pm.