
  • Radicalised By The Media

    Dieuwe de Boer

    On the Monday after the day that changed New Zealand forever, I was contacted by a senior journalist from Stuff. He wrote in an email asking for an interview about free speech and other freedoms being undermined as a result of the massacre.

  • Islamophobia Or Islamophilia?

    John black

    A few years ago the English writer Douglas Murray published a book entitled "Islamophilia: A Very Metropolitan Malady". It attempted to upset the premise of widespread "Islamophobia" by cataloguing the limitless kowtowing to the tender sensitivities of the "Religion of Peace".

  • Douglas Pratt's Vain Quest For Christian Terrorism in Christchurch


    There have been many outlandish claims in the aftermath of the Christchurch shooting tragedy, ideologues stacked up with grievances at hand. However, there has been no other claim more tangential than that of Douglas Pratt's.

  • The Honk Pill Troll Killer: Brenton Tarrant's Motives May Never Be Known – If We're Not Careful

    Rex Monday

    To understand the motives, the risk factors, and the background of the killer is essential for the prevention of further such episodes. But Brenton Tarrant has left behind a perplexing array of clues designed to obfuscate his true intentions.

  • Jacinda Ardern Increasingly Criticised For Her Endorsement Of Female Headcoverings


    Our Prime Minister may not be cutting quite the figure on the international stage she would like.

  • Steyn on New Zealand: The Fanmaid's Tale

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Canadian author and columnist Mark Steyn, who is also a regular on Tucker Carlson Tonight, had some comments to make about New Zealand's reaction to the Christchurch massacre just over a week on.

  • Tawhidi: 10 Days Later, 3 Lessons The New Zealand Attack Taught Us

    Dieuwe de Boer

    This statement was made by Imam Tawhidi, an Australian Shia reformist, on Alt News Media yesterday. I thought it worth reprinting in full.

  • Dividing Right From Left

    Jesse Anderson

    I'd like to clear up some misconceptions about right/left politics. As a politically active young man in my twenties, I often find myself engaging in the same debates over and over again. If only a consensus could be reached on the definition of left-wing and right-wing politics.

  • Banning Semi-Autos Will Not Make New Zealand Safer, Part 2

    Tim Wikiriwhi

    Why did the maniac choose to come to New Zealand to shoot peaceful Muslims instead of going to Syria and shooting real Islamic terrorists? Because, though he maybe consumed with hatred, he is not insane.

  • Government To Broadcast "There Is No God But Allah" On Airwaves

    Dieuwe de Boer

    There have been two announcements for remembrance on Friday, one of which I support and the other which I strongly denounce. A two-minute's silence and the Islamic call to prayer will be broadcast.

  • Banning Semi-Autos Will Not Make New Zealand Safer, Part 1

    Tim Wikiriwhi

    As a Christian Libertarian New Zealander, my sincere condolences go out to the Muslim community in Christchurch and their greater families and friends. Their wounded in the hospitals are in my prayers.

  • The Coward Of Christchurch: Where The Right Goes Wrong

    John black

    In the wake of the devastating events of last Friday there have been, and will be, fingers pointed at those who hold conservative or right-wing views. This is unfair, but understandable.

  • The Victims of Christchurch Mosque Attacks Should Be Mourned, Not Politicised

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Undoubtedly you've read plenty about the bloody and tragic attacks on Christchurch mosques today. Many details remain unclear and the extent of injury and death hasn't been revealed yet. As of writing, the dead number 40, and the final toll is likely to rise.

  • How To Destroy An Economy: A Leftist's Guide To Achieving Communism

    Jesse Anderson

    What truly socialist government would be complete without utterly destroying the ability for young, fiscally-minded families to achieve financial security? October 2018, I sat in Labour MP Deborah Russel's meeting called "Let's talk tax".

  • Don't Be Mean To Maori Online Or You Could Wind Up In Jail

    John black

    In two articles on the Spinoff website, the results of the recent "People’s Harassment Report" were outlined. It claims that "one in three Maori experienced racial abuse and harassment on-line in 2018."

  • Right Minds Newsletter: Looking Back On February

    Dieuwe de Boer

    This is an archived copy of our new monthly newsletter that will be send out to mailing list subscribers earlier this week. The letter from the editor is exclusive to the mailing list and will only appear on the website a week after it is send out.

  • Christian Blasphemy Laws Repealed As Jihadis Invited To Return

    Dieuwe de Boer

    Every now and then there are completely unrelated stories that come together to form a dejected painting of our times. Andrew Little, jihadi Mark Taylor, and the United Nations Human Rights Commission play a part in this story.

  • The Truth About The Resurgence of New Zealand Nationalism

    Dieuwe de Boer

    What was supposed to be an exposé of New Zealand's "far-right nationalists"turned into something of a bizarre mess. This is a classic case of a "journalist" wanting to write a hit piece, finding all evidence to the contrary, and then writing it anyway.

  • Jordan Peterson Captivated Audience & Spooked Journos At Sold-Out Auckland Town Hall Event

    Dieuwe de Boer

    You've undoubtedly heard of the "controversial" Dr. Jordan Peterson, yet last Monday I heard a man who doesn't have anything controversial to say. You've probably heard of his "mostly young male" audience, although they were a minority at the Town Hall.

  • Review Of The Sovereignty Rally Against The UN Migration Pact In Christchurch

    Dieuwe de Boer

    The weather really turned it on for the rally in Christchurch's vibrant Cathedral Square. A balmy day with a gentle cooling breeze that set the multitude of New Zealand flags held by the supporters alight, set the scene for what turned out to be a marvellous family-oriented enjoyable event.